Somerset County Expansion Project
The Somerset County Expansion Project will deliver natural gas service to Somerset County, Maryland. It will extend natural gas service to the Eastern Correctional Institution and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, helping to improve each facility’s environmental profile while offering significant economic benefits to the area. Residents and businesses along the line will also have the choice to use environmentally beneficial and less expensive natural gas service.

Planning Began

Construction Started

Service Expected to ECI and UMES

Renewable natural gas injected into the distribution system
Chesapeake Utilities and Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company are responsible for developing the Somerset County Expansion Project. These local companies have been safely delivering natural gas to customers on the Delmarva Peninsula for 160+ and 60+ years, respectively, and are invested in the best outcome for the communities they serve.
- Delivering natural gas to Somerset County will support more than 1,300 construction jobs over the next decade and more than $7 million in new wages as a result of lower energy costs.
- The residential price of natural gas is 70% cheaper than the residential price of electricity.
- Commercial and industrial customers who convert from heating oil to natural gas on average save more than $12,000 annually.
Learn more about economic development activities in Somerset County, Maryland.

Ocean City, Maryland,
completed its conversion from propane gas to natural gas in 2020. This reduced CO2 emissions to the equivalent of removing 600 CARS from the road.

Somerset County
is one of three Maryland counties without access to natural gas.

ECI's CO2 Emissions Reduced

UMES' CO2 Emissions Reduced

Equivalent to
Cars Removed
From The Road
From The Road

ECI's Particulate
Matter Reduced
Matter Reduced
(Such as dust, dirt and soot)
- By transitioning to natural gas, the Eastern Correctional Institution and University of Maryland Eastern Shore will reduce their site CO2 emissions by 65% and 38%, respectively.
- These emissions reductions are equal to removing over 11,000 cars from the road.
- ECI will reduce its emissions of particulate matter (such as dust, dirt and soot) by 99.5%.
- The project will facilitate the delivery of renewable natural gas, which is a community-oriented solution for organic waste and surface water pollution challenges that also provides clean energy.
We Want to Hear From You
Please use the form below to share any comments or questions you have about the Somerset Natural Gas project.